Newest Beginnings

Discover the lavish atmosphere of Newest Beginnings Med Spa. Visit our clinic for top-notch medical spa treatments. Book your appointment now!

Meet Your

Dr. Ilya E. Vayner is a distinguished board-certified physician with over 15 years of specialized experience in aesthetic medicine and weight loss management.  Dr. Vayner combines cutting-edge medical treatments with personalized lifestyle guidance to deliver transformative results.  Recognized for excellence in patient satisfaction, Dr. Vayner is committed to employing the latest advancements in non-surgical cosmetic procedures and weight loss solutions.  

With a proven track record of success, Dr. Vayner offers a comprehensive range of services, from body contouring and facial rejuvenation to medically supervised weight loss programs.  

  • Conducting consultations with patients
  • Developing patient treatment plans
  • Administering cosmetic injections
  • Administering non-invasive laser, light, and ultrasound treatments
  • Weight loss consultations
  • Administering medical-grade chemical peels
  • Promoting a friendly, warm, and exceptional customer experience

Dr. Vayner has perfected the art of beauty.

Welcome to Newest Beginnings

I help busy women lose weight or clear up their acne by developing a program for efficient weight loss and various procedures that include PRP.

Vampire Facials – In the Vampire Facial, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can be used anywhere on the body to reduce pigment, reduce stretch marks, treat wrinkles and lighten scarring. The Vampire Facial stimulates collagen regrowth allowing the area to tighten and regain the youthful glow that you once had.

Semaglutide For Weight Loss  The largest clinical trial showed that adults taking semaglutide lost an average of almost 15% of their initial body weight – about 12% more than those who didn’t take the medication. Adolescent clinical trials showed an average weight loss of 16%. 

They found treatment with semaglutide improved body composition by reducing excess body fat, including abdominal fat, and increasing the proportion of lean body mass, or the amount of weight someone carries that is not body fat. The more body weight a participant lost, the greater the improvement in body composition.



