Newest Beginnings

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Have Viagra®, Cialis® or Levitra® Let You Down?

No matter if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, weight problems, waning sexual desire or even prostate cancer, our Board-Certified Urologist and team of medical doctors will design a personalized treatment to work for you!​

Call our clinic today at (732) 362-7995 to find out why our personalized medical therapies are far superior – and how you can get started today!

Our medical doctors can help you eliminate erectile dysfunction with custom-blended prescription medication individually dosed for each patient. It works when everything else fails. Only one visit can change your life!​


Why Acoustical Shock Wave Therapy, Viagra®, Cialis®, and Levitra® Don’t Work For Most Boomers and Seniors…

…and Seven Secrets Doctors and Drug Companies Won’t Tell You About Erectile Dysfunction.

You must read this shocking Free Report!​

Popular Prescriptions Don’t Always Work and Can be Dangerous.
An estimated 70% of men do not respond to Viagra, Levitra or Cialis, medications which can also have serious side effects. Our custom blended prescription medication works for 96% of men – without those side effects – even if you don’t respond to other pills and drugs.

You determine how long your erection lasts…
Our doctors know that everybody is different. We’ll customize your prescription medications, whether you want an erection that lasts 30-minutes, 45-minutes, an hour or longer. It’s your call.

Our Medication is Different
Our pharmacy custom-blends your prescription medication so that after you achieve a climax your penis will stay erect for the entire requested time period, whether its 30-minutes, 45-minutes, an hour or longer. This allows you to achieve a second climax (the sensation is greater each time) and adequately satisfy your partner.

Do you have a medical history?
That’s generally not a problem…
You don’t have to choose between great sex and your health. Newest Beginnings has a solution, even if you have medical problems. Our doctors evaluate you to find the unique blend of medications that work, even if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, prostate cancer, waning sexual desire or weight problems. They are skilled at safely treating erectile dysfunction, regardless of your medical history and without interfering with your medications.

We offer a safe treatment by caring, licensed professionals…
The patients at Newest Beginnings receive top-quality care by our team of licensed physicians who are extensively trained in erectile dysfunction, headed up by Dr. Augustine Mireku-Boateng, renowned Board Certified Urologist for over thirty-five years. Our experienced staff has over 187 combinations of medications available to customize a treatment plan for your unique situation. Because we care about your health and satisfaction, we evaluate each patient on an individual basis and use only medications which are FDA approved and proven to be both safe and effective.


If you do not respond to our medication on your first visit, you will not be charged. Not one penny! It’s that simple. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!​

5 Surprising Facts About Our Breakthrough Medical Treatment:

Fact #1: Only one visit can change your life. For men from 21 to 99 our solution for erectile dysfunction works! One appointment is all it takes.

Fact #2: Personalized treatment plan – Unlike the popular “offtheshelf” pills, you’ll receive a tailormade medical treatment plan designed by our Board Certified Urologist specifically for your needs.

Fact #3: No pain…and no surgery – Our treatment options include simple – yet powerful FDAcleared tailormade prescription medication…so you have no worries about the potential for painful surgery.

Fact #4: All prescription medications are customblended and shipped nationwide by our licensed U.S. compounding pharmacy – and are not available at the neighborhood Walgreens or CVS.

Fact #5: Affordable treatment from our team of licensed U.S. physicians and our renowned Board Certified Urologist.

For full information or to book an appointment

Proudly serving patients in NJ/NY Metro Area

Therapeutic Benefits of Frequent Sex (Orgasms)​

A healthy sex life has been shown to have a number of therapeutic, healthy benefits – in addition to being emotionally fulfilling and enjoyable!​

“A little sex is good, and even more sex is better. Frequent weekly sex can reduce the chance of a heart attack by half. Cardiologists consider sexual activity comparable to a modest workout on a treadmill, burning up to 250 calories.”

– American Journal of Cardiology

“Having sex regularly for women can do more than make you feel closer to your partner—it can actually make you physically healthier, including less stress, sounder sleep, minimized pain, fewer colds and better cardio.”

– Women’s Health

“Men who had sex at least twice a week were much less likely
to develop heart disease.”

– American Heart Association

“Regular sex reduces the risk of prostate cancer by a full third. Frequent sex is also linked to less aggressive prostate cancer which is more likely to respond to treatment and has a lower likelihood of spreading.

 Researchers say sex has a protective effect because the prostate secretes the bulk of the fluid in semen and sexual activity can flush out cancercausing chemicals.”

– American Medical Association

When sex exceeds twelve times per month men are much less likely to develop prostate cancer.”

– National Cancer Institute


Read this article from Medical Times Today about Doctor’s Medica Clinic​